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Dune Prep Sketches!

Having learned far more information than any person ought to know about the Starspen Galaxy, and specifically the Canopus system, I feel much more prepared to sketch some layout ideas for my Arrakis painting.   I now know what Canopus, Canopus B, Seban, Menaris, Arrakis, Krelln, and Arvon look like.  To most people that probably sounds like a bizarre list of made-up words, but to a Dune-loving nerd there is an all-too-clear understanding of fictional space!  Vielen Dank to for all the essential  information, it is greatly appreciated!

The problem I face now is with positioning.  Do I want to show all of Arrakis or just part of it so I can include everything between it and Canopus?  Do I even want to include Canopus, Seban and Menaris or should I just paint Arrakis with its moons? Here are the thumbnails and planning page thus far:

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Well, it’s a start…

So day one was easy because most of the creating I did was for the blog site.  Day two however,  posed a challenge.  Cthulhu boards might be dry enough to paint, but they are currently at Ryan’s house.  If I can manage to get some time with Cthulhu later, today might even merit a second update.

My newest ideas are all inspired by the fact that when Ryan and I move out we will have empty walls.  I bought a pack of 15 pre-prepped canvases (4″x6″).  They are small, but I think that will help things seem less intimidating.    I want to paint each canvas with a nerdy thing and then attach all the canvases like one of those collage picture frames.  I need ideas of nerdy things to paint on the canvases.  Ideas thus far include: D20, Portal gun, Horde symbol, Rebel Alliance symbol, Millennium Falcon…..but  I need more ideas.  suggestions welcome.

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