Category Archives: Paintings

My Bad Art Habit

I have this bad habit of taking on lots of creative projects and then having no interest/motivation/desire to start them.  It’s pretty bad.   However, I am now trying with renewed effort (and some meds because apparently I’m sick and that’s why I’ve been sleeping so much).  It began with rampant cleaning and organizing.  The bed is made, the desk is nearly free of clutter, you can see the pictures on top of the dresser again and the easel is no longer a clothing rack. After all this cleaning I was left to stare at this:

Bellas princesses

Two lovely stretchers and my favorite shoes.  Favorites for many reasons, but mostly because they remind me of these: Read the rest of this entry

Sailing Back to Work!

After a small break I am back to creating!  I got some work done on the Call of Cthulhu GM Screen.  It now features a tiny sailboat so you can understand the scale and size of Cthulhu.

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Nerd Canvas EXPLOSION!

Some time last week I posted about a handful of 4″x6″ canvases I had purchased.  I originally intended to make one large collage with all the canvases, but 15 canvases was just too much.  This idea brewed a bit longer in my head and became much bigger.

Now there are going to be four collages with seven canvases per collage and each collage with have a theme.  The themes are: Games, Books, Cartoons, and Space Travel.  Today I worked on the Games collage which will include a D20, a Portal gun, a Super Mario Bros. fire flower, a Bioshock EVE Hypo and Adam extractor, a World of Warcraft Horde symbol banner, a Minecraft creeper, and a Diablo 2 Horadric Cube!  Here’s my current placement for the canvas:

Obviously I have not painted yet, but all the images are sketched out. The D20 is actually painted, but it was upstairs when I took this picture.  I can’t wait to start painting.



It’s been a long weekend.  So long in fact, that it is now Tuesday.  My original plan for the weekends was to only post on Saturday and to write a feature article about an older, finished creation.  Since I failed to deliver this past Saturday I intend to deliver now.

I made this painting for my aunt and uncle as a 40th anniversary present.  I love them both very much and being a starving artist meant I could not afford to buy them something great.

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Cthulhu Screen is Nearly Half Finished.

Today’s art adventure involved the Cthulhu GM Screen.   The second to last layer of oil paint is on and it looks like water. The player’s view side now only needs the tiny boat for size comparison.  On the far right is the GM side of the front panel, it has the resistance table on it.  It got a blue border and will eventually get chart labels.

Ok, so it’s not the best picture, but florescent lights are not good for photographing shiny surfaces.  Small boat, labels and better pictures to come.

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Well, it’s a start…

So day one was easy because most of the creating I did was for the blog site.  Day two however,  posed a challenge.  Cthulhu boards might be dry enough to paint, but they are currently at Ryan’s house.  If I can manage to get some time with Cthulhu later, today might even merit a second update.

My newest ideas are all inspired by the fact that when Ryan and I move out we will have empty walls.  I bought a pack of 15 pre-prepped canvases (4″x6″).  They are small, but I think that will help things seem less intimidating.    I want to paint each canvas with a nerdy thing and then attach all the canvases like one of those collage picture frames.  I need ideas of nerdy things to paint on the canvases.  Ideas thus far include: D20, Portal gun, Horde symbol, Rebel Alliance symbol, Millennium Falcon…..but  I need more ideas.  suggestions welcome.

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New Start for an Old Project – Call of Cthulhu Screen

Quite some time ago, around November 2009, I started a special project for my boyfriend, Ryan, a Call of Cthulhu game master screen.  Ryan is very into tabletop role-playing games and is frequently the game master. After the first GM screen we made, I was excited to make the Cthulhu screen, but it kept getting put off and never finished.

The first screen we made was a GM screen for Whitewolf’s Mage:The Acension.  It did not take long to make and the whole process seemed faster because of how excited we were to be making it.  This particular screen has six stained wood panels with hand carved and painted details, as well as a fitted clip for holding papers.  Ryan recreated the necessary game charts to match the theme and they were attached to the inside panels.

Mage Book

Mage Screen, Book Front

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